Characteristics and performance of bamboo

Bamboo is smooth and hard, with straight textures. It is an important material for the manufacture of musical instruments, arts and crafts, bamboo covers, and cultural and sporting goods. Bamboo poles and bamboo handicrafts have become important export commodities. For example, the famous tea stalks have been exported for more than 100 years. They are mainly used for fishing rods and ski poles; bamboo spring carvings, bamboo mats, bamboo screens, and bamboo bottles are all well-known seas. Arts and crafts inside and outside.

Baskets, baskets, and other bamboo products can be woven from bamboo.
A raft that can be tied with thick bamboo.

Bamboo has strong adaptability and wide distribution range; easy to reproduce, easy to plant, easy to process and utilize; small input and large output; few pests and diseases; multiple product types, wide use, large market capacity, low investment risk. Bamboo is compatible with ecological, economic, and social benefits, and the three major benefits are significant.